The Mosaic Covenant is recorded in Exodus 19:5-8 and Leviticus 26.
The chosen people of YHWH receive HIS Laws. They believe in the power of YHWH, and now they
will be given instruction on how to conduct themselves.
This Covenant would sustain the relationship between YHWH and His children until YHWH HIMSELF returns
to Earth.
This Covenant is the foundation of our relationship with our CREATOR.
The Mosaic Law is how a Believer learns to walk the self-governing path of
righteousness leading to our everlasting future.
- The Commandments governed our personal lives (Exodus 20:1-26; Leviticus 19:18; 20).
- The Commandments are a legal system that governed our community life
(Exodus 21).
- The Commandments govern our spiritual life (Exodus 24:12-18).
The Covenant is not revoked if the children do not obey, but there are consequences for our chosen behaviors.
They understood and we understand that obedience to
Spiritual Laws is necessary. We must live by example to teach the rest of the world how
to have prosperity and peace in the community (Leviticus 26).
Through Isaac’s son Jacob, the
descendants of Abraham grew and became the children of Israel.
Jacob did not always have it easy, and to receive his blessing from GOD he
had to wrestle an Angel for it. He prevailed, and his name was changed to
Israel, which means “strives with GOD, and prevails” (Genesis 32). He
was blessed. His twelve sons grew into
the twelve tribes of Israel.
The children of Abraham prospered, but
after a time they strayed. YHWH removed HIS Divine protection from the
people, and the Egyptians began to see them as a threat and enslaved them.
In spite of the great hardships of slavery they did not lose faith and
they continuously prayed for deliverance (Genesis 49-50).
Moses was chosen by YHWH to deliver the Hebrew people from bondage as
described in Exodus 1-18.
It took many great and dramatic miracles to
deliver and protect the Hebrew people from the powerful Egyptians.
A miracle is defined as an extraordinary event manifesting
Divine intervention in human affairs. In this "time of Moses" a series of
miracles were performed for GOD's people. It was done like
this to teach people the power of righteousness - and that
they should write down God's Laws down and remember them.
The enslaved Hebrews never lost
their faith in YHWH, but they forgot most of the details. After the Exodus from Egypt most of the knowledge handed down
through the generations since Noah and Abraham had been lost. Working
seven days a week, all year long, for 400+ years they had lost track of
the days of the week, the beginning of the months, and years. YHWH
had to communicate to Moses the laws and rules of how to
live together and in order to turn this rabble into a successful, organized community.